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How to move collection to an external drive

Started by gilroy, July 03, 2013, 10:48:10 AM

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 I see I will be using more space than I have available on my laptop. I purchased a large external drive to prevent this but have a few questions. In the settings I have changed the save location ok, and have re-saved my recorded albums to this new location. By looking though the forums it seems there is no way to have everything (record, edit, etc) go direct to the external drive. Is this correct, and if so how do I free up the space once I have burned and saved. also I'm not clear on how to archive (using a MAC computer). This may be a simple issue but I don't want to start deleting  info before I know it is saved on the new drive. Thanks for any help from the more experienced users.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


You can move your raw recordings to your external drive if you wish.  To do this, open the Preferences dialog and click on the topmost 'View in Finder' button.  This will open a Finder window positioned to your collection and you can then move this to your external drive by dragging it across.  Move also the .mcf file in the parent folder, maintaining the relationship between the .mcf file and folder containing your raw recordings.  Then open your newly moved collection in VinylStudio via Menu ->File->Open collection.  Please see the topic 'Where are my files located' in the VinylStudio help file for more insight on how VinylStudio stores collections.  The .mcf file lives in the parent folder of the folder containing your raw recordings and bears the name of your collection.

Alternatively, you can delete albums from your collection once you no longer need them.  You can do this (strangely) in the Save Tracks window.  You will find what you need under the 'More' button.