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New User for using VS to add to my LMS system

Started by Ecoli-557, May 19, 2024, 08:48:36 PM

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I would not panic about not having DSD until you give it a thorough tryout.  Some people don't like it: too "laid back" or "artificially smooth" sounding. 


Quote from: LtMandella on May 23, 2024, 11:51:26 PMwhy are we not able to edit DSD?

My limited understanding is that each encoded value in DSD is computed from the previous moment's encoded value.  It is not simply a "snapshot" if you will of whatever waveforms were detected at any moment.

So cutting and pasting of encoded moments ends up being gibberish.

Makes some sense, thank you. 


Makes some sense actually, thanks.

I can not at this time even try DSD as I have no ADC that spits it out......


Quote from: Ecoli-557 on May 23, 2024, 11:36:43 PMI appreciate everyone helping in this - a wee bit more complicated than I had given thought.
As a newbie, DSD has more 'sound stage presence' possibly but, at the risk of not being able to edit the pops and clicks or any equalizing?  Do I have this correct?
LtMandella, I too have an ultrasonic cleaner and while most are fairly clean, there are a few that get in...... will try it however without editing.
Indy33, thanks for the notion to 'cut out' microsecond clicks/pops - may try that as well.

As you both understand this much better than me, why are we not able to edit DSD?  I still just do not have the big picture even after looking online.

You might see some software that claims to edit DSD, but most likely it's converting DSD to PCM to edit the file, then when you done it coverts it back to DSD. There could be software out there that does edit native DSD, but I'm not aware of one.

Yes you do seem to have the basic concept about DSD. There is lots of info out there about DSD, but the link below does a pretty good job of a simple explanation.

You will need a playback software that can play DSD, not all can do this. Some that can are Adirvana, Foobar2000 and Roon.

I'm using the Korg DS-DAC-10R for recording to DSD, but I'm not sure I would recommend it at this time. I just wish it would work with "Adirvana Origin" at the kernel level, so it could take exclusive control. The Korg does comes with it own software for recording. If you check on the Adirvana website, it has a list of DAC's that does work with their software.

Good Luck !!!


I chucked my Korg 100m into the garbage.  I liked the sound quality a lot, but those units require a custom Korg windows driver which gave me so many blue screens on my PC that I couldn't take it anymore.

Never again would I use the Korg drivers.  I really like the sound of my MR-1 but that recorder is an independant portable device that doesn't use a PC for any functionality.


Thanks to All on this.
I will have to wait and see if I can find a good deal on a suitable ADC to move this project forward.
Frustrating, but not down.....


after reading all the lines you put here.
Liner notes: No DSD could finally furnish the purity (albeit consumer marketing)
Most of the time, 24bit will do. Sample @ 96, though it is not really needed. 48 would be just fine.
For a reason of common sense. LPs are not CDs. They feature loadsa disadvantages.


Thanks Lewis, I agree that 'in most cases' 24 bits and 96KHz would be fine and even overkill in some perception.
However, I can definitely 'hear' the difference from live album play and 24 bit 96KHz recording.
My goal is to mimic the live play of an album with a digitized recording.
A movie sound engineer in England (somewhere) states he too fell into this and he has found that 32bit (floating) gives 'a hair below live play' and that is what I am trying to do.
Not to never play an album, I live to see my Michelle table play with all those cylinders, its just magical.
However, If I just want to entertain and have good music playing, a recording of an album would be wonderful.

This being said, does anyone know if VS can communicate and control any RME ADCs?  He uses a RME ADI-2/4 SE which works well for him although he does not use VS.  He uses Pro Tools Ultimate for this and all his 'mastering' work.
Before I buy an RME, really would like to know if it is compatible.......
Regards to All.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

> does anyone know if VS can communicate and control any RME ADCs

It can.

As for the rest, 24 / 96 is enough, IMO