AlpineSoft Support Forums

Forum List => Technical Support => Topic started by: dag nabbit on June 20, 2014, 01:42:46 AM

Title: wav to flac
Post by: dag nabbit on June 20, 2014, 01:42:46 AM
records ripped to wav play fine. when saved to flac in MY MUSIC folder, all i get is noise. i'm perplexed. any ideas?
Title: Re: wav to flac
Post by: Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) on June 20, 2014, 08:46:06 AM

Me too.  What are you using to play the files please?  We use the reference FLAC encoder (i.e. the one whch is most widely, if not exclusively, used by other software) so I wouldn't expect any issues with it.
Title: Re: wav to flac
Post by: dag nabbit on June 20, 2014, 04:47:03 PM
records go from the turntable through a parasound zphono's usb to my laptop. the parasound has an riaa curve which i enable whilst disabling vinylstudio's. files are set to wav 44/16 and stored externally.while the wav's are in my recordings folder they play great. i use j river for playback.waspi event style works best for my normal setup, but when in vinylstudio, when i try to save a flac version to the computer and play it back thru j river,  all i get is noise. i must be doing something wrong during the save tracks process????
Title: Re: wav to flac
Post by: dag nabbit on June 20, 2014, 05:26:19 PM
i suppose i could try converting to flac with another program. jriver or dbpoweramp. will try that tonight. and i'm still trying to figure out why my saved sides don't come out as a list of tracks instead of a single folder with the side in it. big sigh......
Title: Re: wav to flac
Post by: Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) on June 20, 2014, 06:30:36 PM

Could you send me a sample FLAC file please?  I will see if it plays here.  Please keep it short - 10-15 seconds will do - to keep the filesize down, and send it to:

p DOT sanders AT alpinesoft DOT co DOT uk.


As for separating your tracks, it sounds like you are looking at the 'raw' recordings, which are one file per album or album side.  To get individual files, one per track, you need to:

1.  Split your recording into tracks

2.  Name the tracks

3.  Save your tracks in the Save Tracks tab.

The VinylStudio Help file says more about this.  Start with the 'Getting Started' section and work through the links from there.