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Feature Request - Folder Sorting

Started by DexVinyl, May 01, 2024, 08:52:05 AM

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Hi All,

Long time user, first time poster!

Thanks for the excellent software Paul, I have a suggestion for a technically very minor improvement, but the quality of life improvement for us users would be huge! (at least in my opinion).

When we are setting up VS, we set a folder structure we would like to use for the split tracks usually something like [artist] / [album] / .....  I think it would be extremely useful, if by default, the same structure was used to store the "sides" in the relevant location.  (will use this structure for the examples here as it matches my choice in the app)

eg: I have drive `R` for the Records, and drive `T` for Tracks. 
At the moment, all the sides are saved in R:\Vinyl Collection\ [filename].flac
Whereas, using this suggestion, they would be saved in R:\Vinyl Collection\ [artist] \ [album] \ [filename].flac
and my split tracks are saved in T:\ [artist] \ [album] \ [track name].mp3

Having the two folder structures matching, is actually sensible, by default, because, moving the files to make the folder tidier, causes all manner of errors on startup, and you then have to mess around relocating the files. 

edit: I forgot to add the T drive location

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


Thanks for your post.

We won't be changing this I'm afraid - too much effort for too little gain.

The files are already ordered by album name within artist name, so you're halfway there.

- Paul