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General Discussion / Re: window size
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - June 09, 2024, 04:51:57 PM
Don't worry dud, we all do it, and you're not the only one who's tripped over this
General Discussion / Re: window size
Last post by newby - June 09, 2024, 04:45:06 PM
Hi, wonderful! I know I should have found it myself, but appears my brain going same way as sight!  Thanks again, Have a great day.
General Discussion / Re: window size
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - June 09, 2024, 04:35:07 PM

Try 'Change Font and Background' in VinylStudio's Options menu to change the font and / or reduce the font size.  The window will then fit on the screen and everything should start working.
General Discussion / Re: window size
Last post by newby - June 09, 2024, 04:19:05 PM
Hi, thanks for reply.  I have windows 10 and have increased to 125%  The text and display, which means app window is too big. By The double headed arrow, I mean the one to resize windows explore.  Not sure this is possible , just hoping. Thanks
General Discussion / Re: window size
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - June 09, 2024, 12:02:19 PM

Sorry to hear that.  Is this on Windows or Mac please?  I also don't know what you mean by 'double arrow', thanks.
General Discussion / window size
Last post by newby - June 09, 2024, 11:16:13 AM
Hi, I am having trouble with my eyesight(old age) so need to resize window, normal method of double arrow not working, any suggestions please. Thanks in advance.
... which we will do in the next release, although, personally, I think the new behaviour is a great improvement and will be the default moving forward.
We changed it - where possible, the cursor remains at the same position in the viewport when you zoom.  Don't you like it?  Might take a bit of getting used to, and we *could* make it an option
YW.  Do you find it helpful?  Did we get the volume right?  (It needs to be 'dynamic' to cater for the loudness of the music at that point)
Technical Support / Did viewport anchoring change?
Last post by westrock2000 - June 07, 2024, 09:11:50 PM
One thing that seems to have changed with this update is the way the timeline centering behaves when you zoom in/out (mouse wheel). It keeps the cursor in the viewport, but it feels more loose on the it's proportionally zooming. I can't make it do what I think it should be doing, but my muscle memory is telling me when I put the cursor somewhere and zoom in it should center pretty aggressively on the cursor.

Was this something that changed or is there is a toggle button? Maybe it's just me, but something feels slightly different.