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So you're saving your tracks as MP3?  There should be no problem with that - just don't save them as WAV.

If you're still stuck, please send me a couple of tracks to look at:

p DOT sanders AT alpinesoft DOT co DOT uk

General Discussion / What is the best media player ...
Last post by chobson - July 13, 2024, 03:01:39 AM
VS works great and seamlessly to transfer my LPs to my computer hard drive. I use MusicBee to play and organize my MP3 files, but when I try to transfer a VS album into MusicBee I lose all of the metadata - the artist, album name, album cover image etc. Anybody know what I need to do to so I can use MusicBee and capture all of the information that VS stores? thx

OR - is there another music player that I should use instead of MusicBee to play and organize my MP3 files? thx again
Technical Support / Re: Using a RME device
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - July 08, 2024, 06:13:38 PM
The best advice I can give you is to do a blind listening test.  The results might just surprise you.
Technical Support / Re: Using a RME device
Last post by Ecoli-557 - July 08, 2024, 02:59:24 PM
Thanks Paul.  Clearly I need more coaching on how to set up VS in order to ret the 32 bit floating and see if I can hear the difference myself.
The 'goal' is to have the file recorded be as close as it can be to 'live' playing.  I still listen to albums live, but when other people are over, it would be nice to have most if not all of that vinyl goodness be in a 'playlist' - in my opinion.
I have used VS and a ADL GT40 at 24 bits and 384 kHz but I can clearly tell the difference between live and recorded on  my system.
I got down this rabbit hole by an audio engineer for movies (In London) who said this RME and 32 bit floating (by another program) is just a hair under live listening.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
I will seek other information from the RME forum as well.
Technical Support / Re: Using a RME device
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - July 07, 2024, 10:12:52 PM
Don't think FLAC does 32 bits - VinylStudio only supports that as floating point.

In any case, you're not gaining anything - 24 bits is plenty and it may well be that your ADC is limited to that internally anyway (RME would know - you can ask on their forum).
Technical Support / Using a RME device
Last post by Ecoli-557 - July 07, 2024, 08:50:02 PM
I have looked and could not find a setup for using a RME ADI-2 Pro unit with VS.
I have read some questions which seem beyond just setting this up.  VS does not let me use 32 bit on the RME it only allows 24 bit at 384 kHz under my FLAC settings.  I was using a 24 bit unit before the RME which is recognized (Line on ADI-2 Pro) when I click on Sample Rates.
Under Sample Rates, it shows up to 48 kHz and up to 32 bits per channel.
How do I get VS to give me 32 bits for FLAC recording?
Thanks in advance, just a bit dazed and confused.....
Thanks for the heads up.  We released it earlier today but it takes time to filter through.
Technical Support / Re: Mac App Store Version and ...
Last post by Gretschguy - June 29, 2024, 06:05:29 PM
Paul, I'm successfully upgraded to Premium via the Apple Store!
General Discussion / Re: Any way to have VS open on...
Last post by emg456 - June 29, 2024, 02:57:32 PM
This is fixed in V14.1.1

Many Thanks
Technical Support / Re: My PS Audio NuWave Phono C...
Last post by Indy33 - June 19, 2024, 11:48:38 PM
Really , is that old?

I would be a little frustrated with that news from PS Audio. I thought they were better than that!